Monday, December 3, 2018

Wek of 12/3/18

Biology...Make up tests will be given on Tuesday for those absent Friday 11/30. Monday in class lecture intro to the stages of the cell cycle. Tuesday complete discussion of the stages of mitosis Followed by lab ID stages of cycle. Completed lab due by Friday. Wednesday continue with lab calculations. Thursday ws review of cell cycle. Friday Quiz and complete worksheets.

Academic Bio- Monday complete lecture on stages of cell cycle. Lab on ID of stages/ calculations of time in stage. Tuesday continue with lab complete calculations and analysis. Wednesday ws review of stages due Thursday. Thursday Quiz lecture the cell cycle cancer connection. Friday RS The radium girls.

AP Biology- Monday lecture the light reaction of photosynthesis followed by time to complete lab measures. Tuesday- research questions due Monday 12/10 Wednesday lecture the calvin cycle extra time can be used to work on research questions. Thursday. Lecture variations in the calvin cycle. Friday Photosynthesis quiz.