Friday, December 18, 2009

Week of 12/21/09

A short week guys but a busy one. Monday will be worksheets on "bacteria" which you can use as a study guide. Tuesday is our Bacteria notebook for those who choose to take part in our food drive. Look over your notes before the test so concepts are fresh in your mind! I'm planning an intense game of Biology Scategories on Thursday as we get ready for Ho HO. See you there!

I know this short week is a mess with activities and performanceses...but I still plan on lecturing virus on Monday.I want to get one more test in before exams start. Bacteria lab report will be due at the end of class on Monday!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Week of 12/14/09

Ho ho ho, we are anxiously waiting to see how much bacteria covers the cafeteria tables and nurses doorknob. We are knee deep in our study of one of my favorite topics...Prokaryotes, all of which must be done before Christmas. The entire week will be a mix of lecture and lab work starting with prepared slides on the shapes of bacterial cells on Monday. Tuesday we will Gram stain and identify our own bacteria as well as prepare our plates with antibacterial products. Wednesday quiz and lecture and Thursday we will identify zones of inhibition(hopefully) and evaluate our products for effectiveness. Friday we will finish off our lecture topics and hand in the completed lab reports. Sounds like a full week! Enjoy!

AP Biology.
Monday is our Natural Selection Test! New topic is Bacteria and virus...we will be tying these topics together and finishing before Christmas. Our Lab is high tech ...using ENTEROTUBES to identify specific bacterial species. These tube combine 12 lab test in 1 culture and accurate but alittle difficult to read. Tuesday will be 2 period lecture, Wednesday and Thursday will be combined lab and lecture. Friday will be quiz and finish off bacterial discussion. Have a good week.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Week of 12/7/09

We've finished our discussion of Taxonomy and you know what that means....TEST time!
I'm planning Jeopardy review for Monday and test for Tuesday. Be ready it's a killer!
Wednesday will start our new(and one of my favorites ) topics bacteria and virus. My goal is to finish with this topic before Christmas break so we have to move quickly. Three days of lecture (power point)will be needed to get ready for our bacterial growth lab.Prepare yourselves! We will culture our plates Friday so they have the weekend to grow and Monday 12/13 should start our lab!

We will use this week to finish our discussion of Natural Selection. Lecture will focus on evolution of behavior and we have one more lab on Tuesday to support our topic. Hopefully your lab notebooks are up to date or you are going to be overwhelmed on Friday when you notebooks are due! There will be 4 labs graded...Biochemical Evidence, Origami Birds,Fishy Frequencies, and and Beaks of Finches. All require Conclusions! I'm planning review for Thursday and Test for Friday. Start studying early there's a lot of info!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Week 12/1/09


Hopefully everyone had a great vacation and all the Meleagris gallopavo (turkey) you ate didn't cause you to forget of your knowledge of classification. I'm scheduling a quiz for Thursday just to make sure. The Quiz won't include Tuesdays lecture information on cladistics. (It's on power point)! Cladistics is one of the most difficult concepts of classifying so if you were absent for or just confused by the lecture let me know. Wednesday will be a worksheet and cladogram activity. With Thursday looking like review after the quiz, with test on Friday. All this is prone to change based on progress, assemblies etc.

AP Biology.
Hopefully you had a great vacation...but now you are back and the big day is at hand. The BIRD FLY OFF!!!! Oh the suspense is overwhelming. Who will win the grand prize? The activity was fun but I hope saw the underlying purpose and you are able to make the needed connections to natural selection and survival of the fittest. Tuesday we will review and patterns of selection and introduce Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. it's MATH so get ready! There is a bright spot... Wednesday's lab involves food which always make things more bearable.I'd like to toss in a quiz, to keep you focused on Thursday.While Friday will be a short lecture on speciation with some time to work on lab reports. See you there!

Friday, November 13, 2009



Well, our discussions on evolution are a thing of the past ( HA HA ). Now it's time to impress me with what you have learned. Monday 11/16 will be Jeopardy review and Tuesday 11/17 is TEST DAY!!! Make use of the study guide I provided. Our new topic will be classification and will start with lecture on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday we will learn how to use dichotomous keys and actually make our own. Monday 11/23 is our trip to Body World a movie on classification awaits you and the luckey sub that will cover my classes that day. Tuesday and Wednesday we will lecture Cladograms while trying our hand a interpreting them.



We have been working with the processes of replication, transcription and translation and are now ready for our test on thoses topics plus modern genetics/ biotechnology applications.

Monday 11/16 will be Jeopardy review and your opportunity to ask any questions you might have pertaining to Tuesdays big TEST. Evolution is our next topic and we will hit the ground running Wednesday with a lecture followed be a lab. This lecture / lab format will be used for the remainder of this week and next topics will include Biochemical evidence for evolution,Orgami Birds, Hardy Weinberg , and bird beaks. Good thing Thanksgiving break will give you an opportunity to get caught up on all your lab reports.!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Week of November 9, 2009

We ended last week looking at humans as the most evolved mammal. We have the opposable thumb lab to finish Monday before we move on to Charles Darwin and NATURAL SELECTION. This section has 2 labs that I think do a really good job demonstrating Natural selection in action.Completed lab reports will be due Tuesday,Wednesday and Friday for this weeks activities. Thursday looks like a good day for a QUIZ so be ready!

This week we go beyond Punnett Square and explore the make up of DNA. This by itself is quite an accomplishment but we aren't going to stop there. We will take the extra step and find how DNA ultimatelycopies itself and directs the cell in its' goal of protein production. Can you imagine how excited Mendel would have been to learn all this! Labs will include DNA extraction from cheek cells and somme paper model building to demonstrate replication, transcription and and translation.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week of November 2,2009

Early theories of evolution will start our fun filled weektrying to make sense of the various ideas as to how different forms of life began.. Each days notes will be followed by supporting worksheets and/ or lab activities all of which will be due the day following the activity. That means anything not finished during class becomes a homework assignment. Monday Worksheet;Charles Darwin, TuesdayLab Grasping the idea of Evolution Wednesday/Thursday Lab The most intelligent mammal. Our evolution quiz will be Thursday. Be sure to study!

AP Biology
Well you all survived "CYCLES" and can breathe a sigh of relief as we move into the more familiar topics of classical genetics. I'm planning a quiz for Tuesday just on Punnett so you can wow me with your square skills! Wednesdays Lecture will cover both classical outcomes of and genetic oddities associated with heredity. Thursday we turn our attention to DNA for at least 4 days we will delve into the mysteries of DnA including, but not limited to, replication and Synthesis,the steps that take us from DNA to protein. Bet you can't wait!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Week of October 26, 2009

Hope you enjoyed the fossil activities from last week ...because we have more to look forward to this week. YAHOO!Once we leave fossils behind we'll be moving into evolution theories, patterns, and supports.These topics also have several activities. Since these are new activities I really can't judge how long they will take to complete so I'll let you know throughout the week when specifiic things are due.Quiz will be Thursday and that will be the end of grades for the 1st marking period.

The worst is almost over...only anaerobic respiration to cover. We'll complete this unit Monday review and quiz on Tuesday. I'd like the seed lab and the 2 photosynthesis by Wed. So i have a chance to mark them before grades are due.Evolution is our next major topic starting with lecture on Wednesday. Generally easier topics with several fun activities...something to look forward to.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Week of Oct.18 2009

AP Biology
Well we made it through our lecture on photosynthesis. I hope everyone survived. Monday we will check our worksheets to make sure everyone is on the same page.We will also set up a lab on oxygen production in spinach. It's a sloppy one so be ready. QUIZ is Tuesday after which we will lecture variations in photosynthesis, read lab results and clean up. Wednesdays lecture will focus on introducing aerobic respiration with accompanying worksheets. Thursday we will set up lab on seed respiration and we will end the week reading lab results and lecturing anaerobic respiration. TEST the 27?

This week we move our focus from cells to the origin of life.Mondays lecture will cover theories ranging from Creation to spontaneous generation.We will apply what we learn to a reading strategy to finish class.Tuesday we will focus on the fossil record as a support for evolution...looking at how they form, types and dating techniques. Our supporting activity is on radioactive decay and it will probly become a homework assignment if we don't finish in class.
WED will be a QUIZ after which we will discuss the Geologic Time Scale and start our Evolutionary time line. This activity will take all day Friday and probably beyond.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Week of October 11, 2009

AP Biology
This is the week that will test both your nerves and determination. Our topics are the cycles of photosynthesis and respiration. Good tthing you have a long weekend to rest up! Wed. we will read our chromatography results and lecture on the Calvin cycle. Thursday will be a photosynthesis lab. It's a sloppy on so be prepared. Friday we will have a photosynthesis QUIZ , read lab results and clean up!

Now that our cell portfolios are done we just have 1 more cell topic... The cell cycle. Wed. and Thurs. we will spend in lab working with the microscope to identify the stages of the cell cycle in onion root tips. Thursday will also be a quiz on those stages. Friday we will discuss when the cell cycle goes wrong and the problems that result. Worksheets are also due Friday!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Week of 10/5/09

This week we are wrapping up our study of cells. enzymes as catalysts will be our final topic with "Mr. enzyme to the rescue" lab.Lab notebooks are due for Friday with the 5 cell related reports. Tuesday we will jeopardy review and Wednesday will be our test. Thursday we will introduce PHOTOSYNTHESIS... one of the toughest topics of the year so be prepared! Lecture material is difficultbut the numbers of lab reports will drop for the time being.

We are going to wrap up our discussion on chapter 3 cells with a lecture on Active transport. A transport quiz will be given on Wednesday so be ready. Cell portfolios are to be handed in on Thursday they count as a test score so be sure they are done with care and attention to detail. We will begin cell division processes later this week.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wek of 9/14/09

This week we will wrap up our microscope work and end chapter 1 with a test scheduled for Thursday. Tuesday we will finish our chapter 1 notes and watch a movie on the microscopic world. Wednesday will be jeopardy review game. On Friday we will start our next topic...The Cell. with lots of research and lab work to keep you thinking.

AP Biology
We are still struggling through organic chem topic that everyone loves so much! Good news is we will be moving on by Thursday. Bad news is we will have a test on Thursday(chapters 1-3). The next topic ...Cells will give you a breather with more biology focused work. Organic labs are all due Friday this week.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Week of May 11, 2009

Monday this week will be our wrap up test on earthworms. Tuesday I'm planning on lecturing the CRAYFISH using the note sheet approach. Tuesday and Wednesday we will work with preserved crayfish to complete our lab activity. 50 point crayfish test will be on Friday.

AP Biology
Monday will be test day for Bacteria, virus and immunity. We will wrap up the course with some lecture time on animals. Our dissection focus will be a starfish with lab report due Friday as well as a short starfish quiz. Start reviewing for your final exam which will be given Wednesday May 20th . Anything from day 1 is fair game! We will review Monday and Tuesday prior to the test.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Week of 4/20/09

Well, this week we finally move on to our final topic of the year...Animals. Our weekly procedure will be somewhat different with note sheets provided and topics covered in 1 week. This week lecture will include general animal characteristics with special emphasis on phylum Cnidaria coral and jelly fish. I'm planning a test by Monday or Tuesday next week.Lab report will be due 4/28 Tuesday.

Our focus for the week will be DNAand will include models, composition, replication and ultimately conversion to protein through transcription and translation. We will be doing a few paper lab activities that don't require lab reports. Our electrophoresis activity will require a report and it will be due Monday 4/27

Friday, April 3, 2009

FridayApril3-Friday April 17,2009

We will use these 7 days(time out for Easter Break) to finish up our discussion of ecology. 4/3 will start with a quiz and progress to lecture on survivorship curves.
4/6-7 we will work on an activity creating a survivorship curve.Report due 4/8
Easter Tuesday & Wednesday will be discussions on Human impact on the environment. Thursday we will review and Friday 4/17 we'll have our unit test.

We will wrap up our topic of EVOLUTION before Easter Break with a test on TUESDAY 4/7. Lab notebooks are due before Easter Break and should include:biochemical evidence for evolution, orgami birds, Fishy Frequency, and Beaks of Finches. Easter Tuesday will be an intro lecture/ review on Classical genetics with time for Punnett squares. Wednesday we will concentrate on DNA as the basis for heredity and work on a reinforcement sheet. Thursday will be the structure of DNA including Replication, transcription/translation with a paper lab depicting each process.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Congratulations to most of you on the good Punnett square test results. This week we are narrowing our genetic discussions to humans and will be lecturing on topics from family pedigrees to blood types. Quiz will be Tuesday this week.We will be working on a blood typing lab Wed and Thursday. report will be due on Friday. I am offering the possibility of extra credit in the form of a family pedigree due March 16th.

Well we are knee deep in photosynthesis to start our week. There is no easy way to learn the material it is DIFFICULT so stay on top of things and don't try to cram. Monday we will lecture the Calvin cycle and set up the Chromotography lab Tuesday we will read results and complete several worksheets. Wednesday we will have a photosynthesis quiz Thursday we will lecture respiration and Friday we will set up our respiration lab with results due to be read Tuesday 3/17.The big respiration/photosynthesis TEST will be Thursday 3/19

Friday, February 27, 2009

Week of MArch 2, 2009

By now you are all Punnett square experts...I hope. Monday this week will be our Punnett square review(square races). Tuesday is test day. The remainder of the week will focus on humans as subjects for genetic study. We will cover twins, blood typing, and family pedigrees. I'm planning a quiz on that material for Friday. We will have several activities throughout the week that may require finishing at home.

Last Friday wrapped up our discussion on cells. That means we are ready for a review and Test Monday and Tuesday this week. Following the review Monday there should be some time for independent study and/or lab completion. Notebooks will be collected Wednesday and should include: Coacervates, cell structures, cell fractionation, and both enzyme activities. The enzyme lab needs a conclusion as well as analysis questions. Our next topic will be energy pathways, respiration and photosynthesis. These are the 2 toughest topics of the year so stay on top of things.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Week of February 17, 2009

This week we are starting working with Punnett Squares. We will learn how we can turn traits into probability(everyone loves math). Unfortunately this is one of those topics that you are either really good at or NOT!!! Please try to be in class so you don"t miss any of the basics that will put you behind. We will be doing one in class activity later in the week with a report due by Friday. NO quizzes or tests are planned!

This week we will continue with Cells as our focus. We have to wrap up the coacervate lab on Tuesday...stay current with reports labs will be fast and furious over the next few days. I'm planning a 2 period lecture for Wednesday with wrap up on Thrusday. Thursday and Friday will be labs ...Organelles and Cell Fractionation.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Week of Feb 2 2009

Well the groundhog saw his shadow...6 more weeks of winter, there's a surprise. Our plan for the week is to complete chapter 9 lecture. We will look at Meiosis and the production of sperm and egg as well as mutations that can occur with their resulting conditions. Our quiz this week will be Thursday with writing prompt due Tuesday and karyotype activity due Friday.

This weeks focus will be organic chem and the production of polymers from monomers. Lab notebooks are to be handed in Monday. We will be working on a set of organic activities Wed and Thurs that will be due Mon Feb 9. There are several worksheets that will be assigned withWed as the due date.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Week of January 26, 2009

This week we are continuing our discussion of DNA . We will look at the processes of transcription and translation and how protiens decide our traits. This can be found in chapter 9 of the text book as well as in your notebooks. We will have a quiz this week on Tuesday. Activities are in class and will only be home work if not finished in class.

We are continuing our exploration of the properties of water that allow for life as we know it to exist. With each new lecture there will be a hands on reinforcement. These labs are to be recorded in your notebook as directed and ready to turn in by Monday Feb.2. We will check your 2 review sheets on Thursday so have them finished! Your first quiz is scheduled tentatively for Friday.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Week of January 20th 2009

Welcome to the third marking period. Wow this year is going fast! As you know our third marking period is focused on genetics. This week we will introduce that topic with DNA...history,and makeup In class we will be working with orgami models of DNA as we cover replication, transcription and translation. Quiz will be Thursday this week.

Welcome to Ap Biology! This week will be primarily review. We will spend some time on characteristics of life, properties of water and basics of organic chem. There are several activities that go along with the lecture so be sure to have notebooks ready to go.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Week of January5, 2009

AP Biology

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great vacation.Sadly this is last full week together...what a fast half of the year. In preparation for next Mondays Final exam we will be spending a lot of time reviewing. Please make use of the practice books I provided. I'll be out for jury duty at least Wednesday so don't waste time. We will jeopardy review Thursday and Friday if I"m back.

I bet you are sorry that we didn't take our bacteria/virus test before the holiday...but we didn't so that means we will have jeopardy review on Tuesday and our test Wednesday(even though I'll be at jury duty). Thursday and Friday will be spent getting ready for the mid tem which is Monday next week.