Sunday, November 8, 2009

Week of November 9, 2009

We ended last week looking at humans as the most evolved mammal. We have the opposable thumb lab to finish Monday before we move on to Charles Darwin and NATURAL SELECTION. This section has 2 labs that I think do a really good job demonstrating Natural selection in action.Completed lab reports will be due Tuesday,Wednesday and Friday for this weeks activities. Thursday looks like a good day for a QUIZ so be ready!

This week we go beyond Punnett Square and explore the make up of DNA. This by itself is quite an accomplishment but we aren't going to stop there. We will take the extra step and find how DNA ultimatelycopies itself and directs the cell in its' goal of protein production. Can you imagine how excited Mendel would have been to learn all this! Labs will include DNA extraction from cheek cells and somme paper model building to demonstrate replication, transcription and and translation.