Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Happy New Year everyone! I wanted to give you a heads up on what we will be doing between now and exams so you are prepared.
Biology- Monday review to refresh our memories on the light reaction followed by Lecture the steps of the Calvin Cycle. Tuesday comparison of C3 and C4 plants. Wednesday Photosynthesis Quest followed by intro to respiration lecture.
Thursday anaerobic respiration lecture and Friday aerobic respiration lecture. Monday the 11th and Tuesday the 12th will be exam review days Exams start Wednesday 1/13. Since I have 5th and 6th periods each day we will used that time to complete a muscle fatigue Lab.7th period will do the lab on Wednesday 1/20.

AP Bio-We will wrap up evolution before exams sticking to the following schedule(I Hope!) Monday Lecture cladograms followed by a practice worksheet due Tuesday. Tuesday the evolution of behavior followed by how females pick their mates WS due Wednesday. Wednesday the beaks of finches lab due Friday. Thursday Introduce Hardy Weinberg with some practice problems. Friday Fishy frequency Lab due Monday1/11. Monday lecture on speciation poster activity. Tuesday The color of my skin are there different species of humans? followed by review for evolution test which will be Wednesday.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Week of 12/14/15

Academic BIO- We are starting one of the toughest topics of the year this week...photosynthesis and my goal is to have everything wrapped up before break next week. Here's the plan:
Monday: lecture the electromagnetic spectrum. There will be a research assignment handed out that is due Wednesday. I hope to have some class time on Tuesday to work on it. Tuesday- Lecture why we see color and make up of a chloroplast. Extra time can be used for spectrum research. Wednesday- This is our big lecture on the light reaction of photosynthesis remember research is due. Thursday chromatography lab completed report due Monday. Friday lecture the Calvin Cycle complete lab as needed. Monday 12/21 Lecture C3 verses C4 plants review for Quest. Tuesday Quest Day! Wednesday wrap up as needed.

AP Bio We start our study of evolution this week and it is going to be a busy one. MOnday- Lecture on Theories of evolution and supporting evidence of. Period 2 will be Nutall Precipitation lab completed lab is due Wednesday. Tuesday Lecture Natural Selection. Start orgami bird activity Work sheet on Homologies involves research due Friday END OF CLASS. Wednesday- complete orgami bird lab with fly off use any spare time to work on homologies research.Bird Lab due 12/21.Thursday Lecture Cladograms and evolutionary trees followed by in class worksheet that may need to be finished at home. FRIDAY WORK DAY TO BE USED AS NEEDED.

BIOII- Monday is test day on cell divisions. Tuesday will introduce DNA, history of and structure. Wednesday complete structure discussion followed by Photo 51. Thursday- Lecture replication. Friday ws on replication. Monday Quiz on replication. Tuesday lecture protein synthesis with practice worksheet on Wednesday. Have a nice holiday!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Week of 11/16/2015

Biology- Our topic is transport and our week should play out something like this... Monday-Lecture passive transport and collect organelle WS from Friday. Tuesday. Set up Gummi bear osmosis lab and complete passive transport notes. Wednesday make day 2 readings and observations on Lab- Discuss the sodium potassium pump. Thursday make final measurements and observations on lab clean up and work on analysis questions. Completed lab report due Friday. Friday is Quiz Day followed by notes on endo and exocytosis.

AP Bio we introduce DNA this week. Starting with background lecture on Monday. Tuesday will be a work day on Meselson and stahls experiments on DNA replication. Completed research due Wednesday. Wednesday we will discuss replication. Thursday lecture on how we get from DNA to protein Friday will be quiz ON REPLICATION FOLLOWED BY A TRANSCRIPTION/TRANSLATION ACTIVITY.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Week of 11/10/ 2015

Short week this week with a lot of special schedules. We will stay as close to this schedule as we can.
Bio- Tuesday we will complete our labs. Finished reports are due for Wednesday. Wednesday we will follow a 2 hour delay schedule for the board meeting. Class time will be a worksheet on cellular organelles to be completed for homework if not finished. Thursday will be a Quiz on cellular organelles followed by an intro lecture on cellular transport. Friday will be a work day for your folders so be sure to have them with you.
AP Bio- Tuesday we will lecture on how diversity is introduced into gametes. Wednesday we will lecture some history of DNA followed by a short review for our test on cell division which is scheduled for Thursday. Friday will be a movie...Photo51. Bio II Lecture Tuesday Lecture the Calvin Cycle.Chromatography lab due. Wednesday lecture C3/C4 plants and cyclic vs non cyclic plants. Thursday photosynthesis review. Friday Worksheets on photosynthesis to be finished for Monday which will be our test day.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Week of 11/2/15

So here we are in November with 7 weeks to Christmas.... Wow! AP BIO we will wrap up respiration on Monday with our 48 pt quest. That will be the last grade for this marking period. We will introduce our new topic of cell cycle for 2nd period.
Tuesday will be Lecture binary fission followed by cell cycle Lab activity. Wednesday Meiosis and it's role in sexually reproducing organisms. Seed respiration lab due. Thursday Meiosis Activity with cell cycle lab due Friday. Cell reproduction test Day Friday.

Bio Monday review of the history of the cell in class activity Timeline on major cell events. Tuesday start cell organelle lecture. Wednesday complete organelle discussion. Organelle Chart to be completed. Thursday and Friday will be cell lab. Comparison of animal and plant cells...organelle identification. Quiz scheduled for Friday.

BIO II Monday lecture on the electromagnetic spectrum. Tuesday lecture structure of the chloroplast and problems with the formula for photosynthesis. Wed Intro on why leaves change color in Fall followed by chromatography lab. Thursday read chromatography results and calculate Rf. Friday lecture the Light rxn of photosynthesis.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Week of Oct. 26, 2015

Here we are in the last week of October not to mention the last week of the marking period, time is flying by. Academic Bio- Monday/Tuesday- Lab days on enzymes. we will compare plant and animal cells for the enzyme Catalase. lab reort will be due Wednesday which will also be our jeopardy review for Thursdays Test on Organic Chem and enzymes. If all goes well we will be ready to Introduce cells with a lecture on Friday which is a pep rally schedule day.

AP Bio
We start our week with a Quest on Photosynthesis...A 12 on the biometer so good luck and study hard! Second period will be used to complete muscle fatigue activity. Lab will be due on Friday. Tuesday we will lecture aerobic respiration and set up a seed respiration lab that will be read on Wednesday. This lab report will be due Tuesday the 3rd on Nov.Respiration Quizlet will be Friday

Friday, October 16, 2015

Week of 10/19/15

Biology- Our goal for the week is to finish our topic of organic Chem so we are ready for our Test early next week. Mondays lecture will cover proteins and nucleic the last of the 4 organic groups. Tuesday we will start with a quiz. Following the quiz we will build on proteins with a lecture focused on enzymes and how they serve as biological catalysts. Wednesday a Lab is planned to demonstrate enzyme action it takes 24 hours so we will read results and work on analysis question Thursday. Friday Lab is due and we will complete our enzyme discussion focused on factors that control rate of enzyme reactions. AP Biology- Photosynthesis is our main focus for the week that is loaded with fun filled action packed lectures! Hurray!!! Monday Lecture the light RXN. Followed by a reinforcement ws. Tuesday the Calvin Cycle with time to check Mondays ws. Wednesday Comparison of C3/C4 plants along with cyclic and non cyclic. If time allows we will review. Lab on Rf is Due. Thursday 60 pt Quiz on photosynthesis. Followed by intro to respiration which is our next topic. At least 2 labs next week.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Week of 10/5/15

Academic Biology-
We wrap up our topic of properties of water this week with lecture on Monday focusing on acid rain causes and solutions. There is a RS for the day that should be completed in class if not it's homework for tomorrow. Tuesday will be Jeopardy Review with water test on Wednesday(except for period 6 who will have theirs on Thursday due to the field trip over 1/2 the class will be on. Thursday Intro lecture to organic chem continued on to Friday.

Ap Biology. Monday lecture makeup of the plasma membrane and passive transport processes. Tuesday Fractionation Lab Report due Thursday. Wed research day on cells. Thursday. Lecture active transport and the sodium potassium pump. Set up surface area activity results will be read Friday. Test scheduled for Tuesday next week.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Week of 9/28/15

Biology- Our focus is properties of water. Monday will be a lab Day continuing what we started from Friday. The finished lab report is due Tuesday which will also be a quiz day. If there is any time left we will continue with our discussion of properties of water. Wednesday lecture on pH. it will be a full period discussion getting us ready for a pH activity on Thursday. Report due Friday. Friday is a scheduled work day to complete lab and a RS on pH and the environment.

AP Biology Monday lecture how are enzyme rxns regulated? This will be followed by some work time to share lab results and complete calculations.Tuesday will be an enzyme quiz followed by a discussion on theories of how life began. Wednesday coacervate lab will be run and enzyme lab repot is due. Thursday 2 period lecture on membrane composition, active and passive transport and the sodium potassium pump. Have a great SPIRT WEEK

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Week of September 21, 2015

Biology- We start our week with unit 1 test. 100 pts covering scientific method and tools of the biologist including the microscope. Tuesday Lecture will compare atoms molecules, and compounds. Wed we will work on Bohr models which includes a WS Thursday will start with a quiz followed by our new topic of water's role in living things. Friday discussion on the properties of water.
AP Bio-Jeopardy review on Monday covering Themes, properties of water and organic chem. Anyone who is out for the student council breakfast you are on your own be ready for test Tuesday. Tuesday test 1 Wednesday lecture intro the role of enzymes in living things. Thursday and Friday labs on enzymes report due next Tuesday.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Week of 9/8/2015

Ap Biology Will begin the week with a lecture on water potential and rate of osmosis. Remember your water research questions are due today! A water potential lab will be set up on Tuesday 2nd period and we will read results on Wednesday. There are lots of graphs and calculations so I will make that lab due Monday 9/14. Wednesday is also our first quiz on properties of water and Themes of Biology. Thursday will be a lecture on Organic Chem focusing on Carbs and fats. WS Molecule identification to be done in class. Friday complete lecture on proteins and nucleic acids followed by a polymer lab activity.Have a great week.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Biology Will start the week (Tuesday)with a Lab activity on experimental design. There is a quiz Tuesday for 7th period only! The lab report is to be completed by Wednesday. Wednesday we will begin our lecture on the microscope which will be completed on Thursday If time allows we will start the lab activity following lecture and continue it through Friday................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................BIO II Water Lab due Tuesday. We will lecture pH then as well which will get us ready for our lab on Wednesday. Quiz is scheduled for Thursday followed by time to complete the lab. Friday we will lecture water potential and osmosis.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Week of August31 2015

Welcome back everyone. The summer went much too quickly! Biology- This week we will introduce the importance of scientific method in the study of biology. Tuesday will be lecture followed by a worksheet on observations and inferences due Wednesday. Wednesday lecture on scientific method worksheet on dependent and independent variables. Thursday Lab experimental design Friday quiz followed by time to complete lab report. AP biology We are hitting the ground running. Monday lecture on Themes of biology with worksheet due Wednesday. Tuesday lecture properties of water followed by reinforcement lab activities. Wednesday complete lecture water as a solvent and pH some class time to finish lab. Thursday will be a research day because of class meeting 2nd and 3rd. Friday lab using red cabbage as a pH indicator. Water lab due today.

Monday, May 18, 2015

week of 5/18/15

Hope everyone is prepared for your final exam!!! Study ~!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Week of 5/11/15

This is a big week Keystone Bio Exam Wednesday and Thursday! We will spend Monday and Tuesday reviewing for the test. Good luck to everyone! Friday and next week we will cover a variety of ecology topics that you will need for the final exam. Have a good week. AP Biology...AP exam Monday stay calm and do your best! Good luck to all! I plan on watching a video on virus Monday and then starting animal related topics including 2 dissection before the end of the week. Monday and Tuesday next week we will review for the final!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Week of 5/4/15

This week starts with a lecture on cladograms and a worksheet to reinforce how to read them. Quiz this week is Tuesday on dichotomous keys and cladograms. Worksheet is also due. We'll start ecology lecture on Wednesday and get as much covered as we can before the keystone exams which are scheduled for Thursday the 13th and Friday the 14th. I plan on using Monday - Wednesday next week as review for keystones.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Week of 4/26/15

This week we begin the topic of classification. Wednesday will be a full period lecture on the history of taxonomy. Thursday we will introduce dichotomous keys and follow up with a worksheet. Friday will be a short lecture on cladograms followed by time to finish the key worksheet and start one on cladograms.We will have a 25 pt quiz Friday only on Taxonomy lecture from Wednesday. Next week Monday will be a wrap up day and Tuesday will be test day. AP Biology we will spend the week focused on bacteria, virus and the immune system. No tests or quizzes are scheduled.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Week of 4/20/15

biology- We will start the week with the last of our notes on natural selection verses artificial selection. Tuesday will be Jeopardy review to get ready for the Evolution test scheduled for Wednesday. On Thursday we will introduce classification with a lecture which leads us to a dichotomous key activity for Friday. AP Biology... Monday speciation activity...Poster Island. Tuesday test on evolution notes up to this point. Wednesday Lecture classification and dichotomous keys. Thursday...lecture using cladograms supported by practice worksheet.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Week of 4/13/15

Biology... This week we are going hard core evolution. Monday will have time to finish off the fish lab plus a worksheet on natural selection. Both are due by the en of class. Tuesday we will lecture supports for evolution followed up with a RS on fossils. Wednesday lecture natural selection verses artificial selection. Thursday Lab evolution of the opposable thumb. Lab will be completed Friday analysis due Monday.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Biology- Evolution is our topic for the week with a plan that should go something like this... Monday- Lecture Darwin and Natural selection Tuesday- Activity on fish selection.Due Thursday Wednesday-lecture supports for evolution and finish fish lab. Thursday Activity...The Great fossil Find Friday Quiz and complete Lab AP Biology will continue with the topic of Evolution Monday lecture-Population Genetics follow up with Natural selection activity Tuesday-Lecture the history of biodiversity....cladogram activity...Planning a Genetics Quiz for today! Wednesday- Lecture the evolution of behavior...Lab beaks of Finches.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Week of 3/30/15

Biology- This week our focus is human genetics from blood types to GMO's. Monday-Lecture the history of blood typing followed up with a Punnett square worksheet on blood types Tuesday- Blood type lab Wednesday- Compete blood type lab report and blood worksheet both due by the end of class. Thursday- Lecture sex linked conditions Quiz AP Biology. Our topic for the week is Genetics and Punnett squares We will be doing practice problems interspersed with lecture. Remember Tuesday is our big DNA test.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Week of 3/.23/15

Biology- Because of the snow day Friday we will have our Punnett square test Monday. Be ready! Tuesday we will introduce going beyond Mendel in the study of Genetics starting with family pedigrees. Tuesday will be blood type heredity followed up with a work sheet and a lab which will run Wed and part of Thursday with report due Friday. Friday we will talk about twins and follow up with a video on the topic. Ap Bio Monday will start with reading lab results if there is anything left after the long weekend. Our respiration quiz is going to be Tuesday. Our topic for the week is DNA history, replication and protein synthesis. No labs this week but respiration report will be due Thursday.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Week of 3/16/15

BIOLOGY Hard to believe we made it through a full week! And what a great week it was with our intro to Punnett squares and the coin toss activity. We will build on that foundation this week with dihybrids and incomplete dominance on Monday and Tuesday. Each new type of square will be reinforced with a worksheet. Wednesday we will have Punnett Square races at the board in preparation for the Test which is scheduled for Friday. Thursday I will be out on a field trip but my sub will have a crossword review sheet to help you get ready for the test. AP Bio- So how are you loving photosynthesis? I know the topic is difficult but I have faith in you! Monday we complete lecture on the topic by introducing 2 variations from the norm. We will check our worksheet from last Thursday and get ready for Tuesdays quiz. Tuesday our quiz will start class followed by a lecture introducing respiration. We will begin our muscle fatigue lab if we have time and complete it on Wednesday.Remember Tuesday the Chromatography lab is due. Thursday most of us will be on the field trip if you are staying behind you can use the time to complete the muscle fatigue lab. Friday we willlecture aerobic respiration and set up our seed lab for Monday.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Week of March 9 2015

Wow last week was a disaster! We got little to nothing accomplished so we have to make up for lost time this week. Biology Friday 3/6- We will lecture Gregor Mendel and the science of genetics in class today. Monday- Introduce and practice Punnett square problems Tuesday& Wednesday- Coin toss lab on probability. It will take 2 days and the report will be due Thursday. Thursday we will Introduce Incomplete dominance and dihybrid crosses. Friday we will work on practice Punnett square problems. No tests or quizzes this week. AP Biology- Friday 3/6- Complete lecture on Meiosis and binary fission. Monday Lecture electromagnetic spectrum- set up chromatography lab. Tuesday- quiz on How cells divide followed by reading results from chromatography lab. Wednesday Lecture on the light reaction of photosynthesis Follow up worksheet as reinforcement. Thursday-Lecture the Calvin cycle Friday quiz PHOTOSYNTHESIS

Monday, February 23, 2015

Week of 2/23/15

Biology- This week we are wrapping up DNA and moving into the study of genetics. Looks like it will be our fist full week in awhile...Monday-Jeopardy review for test, Tuesday- DNA test...if there is a delay test will shift to Wednesday so you have enough time to finish it. Wednesday-Lecture early theories on where offspring come from. Thursday introduce punnett squares with practice problems and Friday we will start a coin toss lab using Punnett square to determine probability. AP Biology- we are working with cells, parts and functions. Between Monday and Tuesday we will finish off our discussion with active and passive transport. We will spend part of Tuesday reviewing for our test which is scheduled for Wednesday. We will then move into photosynthesis and respiration, 2 of the most difficult topics of the year.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

WEEK OF 2/9/15

BIOLOGY... Wow these last few weeks have been rough trying to keep things flowing. We are in the middle of our discussion of DNA and spent last week discussing protein synthesis. After Fridays quiz it is obvious that we aren't ready to move on so we will spend Monday reviewing where and how protein synthesis takes place. Tuesday we will have the opportunity to extract our own DNA and compare it to a strawberry. There are analysis questions with the activity which will be due on Wednesday. That will also be our optional re-quiz on on protein synthesis. We will close the week with lecture Wednesday and Thursday on mutations. AP biology... We are working through organic chemistry specifically enzymes. Friday left us in the middle of a lab that will be finished on Monday. The finished lab will be due Wednesday. We will finish enzyme lecture Tuesday and Wednesday. With a worksheet to reinforce enzymes. Id like to have an organic quiz Thursday this week if the schedule allows.