Thursday, April 9, 2020

Week 2 phase 1

High everyone , I posted your new assignment for reinforcement and enrichment. Check out classroom!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Google classroom join codes

Hi everyone
here are the codes to join google classrooms that I have set up

Academic bio-Class code zjn6d2t

AP Bio Class code uetuvdk

BIO II class Code hwqs7co

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March 23 2020

Hi everyone, Hope all is well with you and your families. I just wanted to check in and say we are working on a way that will allow us to finish off the year with as much success as possible.For now there are many great sites to reinforce and expand your biological knowledge Kahn academy and Bozeman science are two good sites. Once we get more info and a plan of action I will give you more specifics. Stay safe!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Week of 3/9/20

AP Biology- Movie "The Hand Walkers" Followed by poster gallery walk to complete speciation poster assignment. Tuesday- lecture Taxonomy. Wednesday Lecture Cladistics followed by in class activity Thursday- intro bacteria. Friday bacterial culturing lab
Biology II- Monday quiz on speciation Tuesday last day to work on poster design questions due Wednesday. Wednesday article the color of my skin...Thursday ws speciation. Friday movie the hand walkers
Academic biology-Monday and Tuesday coin toss lab due Thursday Wednesday- Lecture dihybrid crosses Thursday- Quiz Monohybrids Friday introduce incomplete dominance.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Week of 3/2/20

Bio II- Monday- work on beaks of finches lab report Tuesday- we will start the humans of the future assignment in class and the activity will run through Friday- each class will start with a short speciation related lecture.
AP Biology Poster activity speciation Tuesday and Wednesday wrap up Thursday we will also watch the hand walkers Thursday. Quiz on speciation Friday
Academic Biology- Tuesday- lecture causes of mutations and prebirth testing. Continue working on Mutation worksheet due Thursday Wednesday-quiz mutations. Thursday/ Friday- lecture where do babies come from.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Week of 2/17/2020

Hope you enjoyed the long weekend. Here is the plan for our week...
BioII. Tuesday- Lecture the evolution of behavior. Wednesday and Thursday Lab Beaks of finches. Friday How females choose their mates

AP Bio- Tuesday bird fly off Lecture mimicry and Patterns of Natural selection. Remember research due. Wednesday-Lab work day Thursday- Lecture Evolution of behaviors Start bird lab...bird lab and extinction RS Due. Friday Feeding lab activity.

Academic Bio- Tuesday Lecture from DNA to protein to be continued on Wednesday after our replication Quiz. Thursday-WS protein synthesis Friday- Intro mutations in lecture