Monday, April 18, 2016

Week of April 17, 2016

Academic Bio Classes are beginning the topic of classification. It will be our focus for the next 2 weeks.
Monday- Lecture intro to taxonomy. Followed by time to complete activity started on Friday. Tuesday- Completed activity due. Lecture Karl von Linne. Wednesday lecture the Kingdoms supported by WS On classification. Thursday worksheet due. Lecture topic dichotomous Keys. Practice worksheet using salamander key. Friday will be a quiz, salamander key due and an opportunity to make your own key using buttons.
AP Biology- Monday lecture the evolution of behavior. Lab the beaks of Finches...Due Friday. Tuesday lecture speciation. Poster activity as teams. Wednesday- continue working on speciation poster, article the color of my skin and remember How females choose their mates is due. Thursday-Test Evolution. Friday Lecture Genetic manipulation.