Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Week of 11/30/2010

Wow that vacation certainly flew by! Here we are back again and anxious to begin working with classification keys. Tuesday we will lecture and work through a prepared dicotomous key. Wednesday we will make our own key for the rare "button/noodle"critters. Thursday notes again on cladograms with a practice clade. Friday will start with a QUIZ and end with a review worksheet.

AP Bio...
Once again we will revisit gregor Mendel and Punnett Squares. Sorry to you folks in biotech. I'm confident that all of you have had lots of practice solving squares so we will only use Wednesday for practice. Thursday we will explore some unusual genetic situations in lecture. These break all of Mendels fundamental rules. Friday as per your request we will have our Punnett square Quiz.and finish notes.