Monday, February 22, 2010

Week of 2/22/10

After the intense anticipation, Punnett Squares finally start this week! Mondays lecture will introduce terms and techniques needed to solve squares leaving a little time for practice. Tuesday will be practice problems and set up for the Coin Toss Lab which will run Wed and Thursday...Lab Report due Friday. To make sure everyone is keeping up Thursday will be Quiz day on history of Genetics and Punnett squares. Bring calculators if you have them to class each day!

AP Biology
This week will wrap up our study of cells. Monday we will remass the fruits and veggies to calculate content and water potential. Lecture for the day, Enzymes, will get us ready for Tuesday and Wednesdays catalase labs. Thursday will be our cell TEST. At which point we will be ready for the toughest topic of the year Photosynthesis and respiration.