Monday, November 14, 2016

Week of 11/14/16

Academic Bio- This week we start our new topic the cell cycle. Monday will be an intro lecture which continues into Tuesday. If time allows we will begin a lab on identification of the stages of the cell cycle which will run through Wednesday. We will also lecture the cell cycle cancer connection Wednesday Cell cycle Lab will be due Thursday. Thursday there will be a quiz followed by a RS on the Radium Girls Due Friday. Friday lecture to introduce meiosis.

AP- Monday Test on DNA. Tuesday we will move to Genetics and Punnett Squares. We will follow lecture with some practice squares. Wednesday we will continue our work with Punnett squares but learn a short cut additive and multiplication rules. Practice worksheet will follow. Thursday Intro to Chi Square Followed by a lab activity that will take us into Friday...Anticipated quiz Monday 11/21.