Monday, December 14, 2015

Week of 12/14/15

Academic BIO- We are starting one of the toughest topics of the year this week...photosynthesis and my goal is to have everything wrapped up before break next week. Here's the plan:
Monday: lecture the electromagnetic spectrum. There will be a research assignment handed out that is due Wednesday. I hope to have some class time on Tuesday to work on it. Tuesday- Lecture why we see color and make up of a chloroplast. Extra time can be used for spectrum research. Wednesday- This is our big lecture on the light reaction of photosynthesis remember research is due. Thursday chromatography lab completed report due Monday. Friday lecture the Calvin Cycle complete lab as needed. Monday 12/21 Lecture C3 verses C4 plants review for Quest. Tuesday Quest Day! Wednesday wrap up as needed.

AP Bio We start our study of evolution this week and it is going to be a busy one. MOnday- Lecture on Theories of evolution and supporting evidence of. Period 2 will be Nutall Precipitation lab completed lab is due Wednesday. Tuesday Lecture Natural Selection. Start orgami bird activity Work sheet on Homologies involves research due Friday END OF CLASS. Wednesday- complete orgami bird lab with fly off use any spare time to work on homologies research.Bird Lab due 12/21.Thursday Lecture Cladograms and evolutionary trees followed by in class worksheet that may need to be finished at home. FRIDAY WORK DAY TO BE USED AS NEEDED.

BIOII- Monday is test day on cell divisions. Tuesday will introduce DNA, history of and structure. Wednesday complete structure discussion followed by Photo 51. Thursday- Lecture replication. Friday ws on replication. Monday Quiz on replication. Tuesday lecture protein synthesis with practice worksheet on Wednesday. Have a nice holiday!