Friday, September 17, 2010

Week of September 20, 2010

Well, we have wrapped up our first chapter. That means it's time for a big test. We will use Monday for a review game and the test is scheduled for Tuesday. Everything you need to study should be in your notebooks.Wednesday we will begin our new topic of Ecology. We will have in class activities but no homework! Friday is a writing prompt that corresponds with our topic.

You can breathe a sigh of relief ...we are leaving organic chem behind and moving into the more familiar topic of the cell. Lecture Monday with a lab.Remember notebooks are due for the organic labs today! Our new lab will be coacervates(our lecture topic). Tuesday most of my seniors will be missing so a cell worksheet is in store for those present. Wednesday we will lecture cellular organelles Thursday
cell organell lab and Friday cellular Fractionation Lab. No Quiz this week!