Monday, February 25, 2019

Week of 2/25/19

Biology- Our topic this week is mutations. Monday will be a work day on transcription/ translation worksheet due at the end of class. Tuesday lecture types of mutations focus on genes. Wednesday lecture chromosome mutations RS Mutations due. Thursday-worksheet on mutations due Friday. Friday - pre birth tests for mutations lecture. Jeopardy review Monday 3/4 and test Tuesday 3/5 DNA.

AP Bio- Monday Lecture intro to Natural Selection. Tuesday Orgami birds lab. Wednesday Bird fly off lab due 3/6 and lecture Artificial selection. Thursday evolution of behavior lecture start design a bird if time allows Friday- Bird Lab. Report due 3/8.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Week of 2/18/19

Biology- our topic is DNA. we are scheduled for a quiz on the history of DNA for Monday. Tuesday- lecture from DNA to protein with intro to RNA Wed.- Lecture protein synthesis Thursday Quiz Replication Friday WS protein synthesis

AP Biology- Monday- complete lecture on patterns of follow up Due Wednesday. Anyone who still owes me chi square or corn lab Monday is the last chance to turn it in! Tuesday Lecture mass extinctions Timeline due. Wednesday Supports for evolution Thursday- worksheets on homogenies. Friday Nutall precip lab due

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Week of 2/11/19

Sorry guys it has been very difficult trying to keep the blog current with all of the delays and interruptions so I will try for the next 3 days....Thursday 2/14

all bio classes are on the same topic...DNA. Thursday will be lecture on replication with a review of enzymes involved. Friday will be a worksheet day on anything DNA. Monday 2/18 will be a DNA quiz 1st packet not including replication.

AP Bio- we are focused on evolution a topic with lots of lecture and even more labs and assignments so stay current.
Thursday lecture Patterns of evolution Friday Lab Nuttall precipitation. Monday continue lecture on patterns of evolution Tuesday Quiz on operons, gene mapping and chi square