Friday, January 25, 2019

Week of 1/27/19

Academic Bio- So we finished off our discussion on respiration and the muscle fatigue lab should be in my sink( Put it there Monday if you forgot) Our respiration Test will be Tuesday weather permitting. Monday we are starting our new topic DNA with a lecture on the DNA protein debate. Wednesday will be lecture on the nature of DNA Thursday complete any lecture with wrap up worksheet. Friday video Photo 51.

AP Bio- Monday- review of product rule and additive practice. worksheets due. Tuesday lecture gene mapping w/ practice ws.Wed- Quiz Punnett squares. Thursday Intro lecture to Chi Square...Friday chi square problems. Schedule prone to change based on weather.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Week of 1/14/2019

Can you believe its the end of the second marking period already? So this week we will wrap up photosynthesis and start the new period with respiration in Bio and finish from DNA to protein in AP

GEneral Bio- Monday lecture the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis. Tuesday worksheet on photosynthesis Wednesday Photosynthesis test. Thursday Lecture intro respiration Friday muscle fatigue lecture start lab if time.

Aca Bio- Monday- read chromatogram results complete analysis questions Tuesday-Lecture Calvin Cycle Chromatography lab due Wednesday- Comparison C3 with C4 plants worksheet/ study guide Thursday Test photosynthesis Friday-Intro lecture respiration

AP Bio- Monday- Lecture from DNA to protein, Tuesday- lecture mutations follow up practice worksheet. Wednesday - lecture operons with reinforcement worksheet due Friday Thursday- Test DNA Friday Practice test questions

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Week of 1/2/19

Welcome back! Hope everyone had a good break with only 16 days left in the marking period we have tons to get through so...
Gen Bio- Wed lecture electromagnetic spectrum Thursday- Lecture why we see color follow up RS On eyes of mantis shrimp Friday Lecture pigments in leaves and why leaves turn color and fall...Quiz Monday 1/7
Academic Bio- Wednesday- lecture how our eyes see color. RS eyes of mantis shrimp(due Friday) Thursday- Lecture Pigments in leaves and why leaves change color and fall. Friday- Start class with a Quiz up to design of the eye followed by lecture-layers in a leaf
AP Bio- Wed- lecture possible mathods of replication in DNA. Thursday activity Meselson/stahl(due Monday) Friday- lecture replication