Friday, April 21, 2017

Week of 4/24/17

Academic Biology- This week we will wrap up our discussion on classification. Monday lecture on cladograms followed by a worksheet on reading cladograms worksheet on dichotomous keys due. Tueday Jeopardy review ( cladogram worksheet due) with our big chapter test , classification and evolution scheduled for Wednesday. Thursday we will introduce our final topic for the year ecology... Remember Keystones are on the 15th of May!!!

AP Bio- Monday I won't see you it is scheduling day for the AP exam. Tuesday we will work on some practice problems with Hardy Weinberg formula and carry that over into Wednesday with the fishy frequency lab. Thursday lecture on the evolution of behavior followed by Beaks of Finches lab. Remember orgami bird lab is due. Friday will be lecture on speciation.

Monday, April 17, 2017

week of 4/17/17

Biology- Monday and Tuesday will be lab days on the opposable thumb. Report will be due Wednesday. Wednesday we will start lecture on classification with focus on Karl von Linne and the 8 levels of classification. Thursday lecture dichotomous keys followed up with a worksheet classifying salamanders. Friday make your own key using "frogs".

AP Biology- Monday will be an intro lecture to Evolution Followed by Nuttall Precip Lab. Report will be due Friday.Remember Chi square corn lab due Tuesday. Tuesday we will start with lecture on Natural selection followed by Jeopardy review. Wednesday Genetics Test Day. Thursday Bird Lab. Friday

Monday, April 10, 2017

Week of 4/10/17

Academic biology-All biology classes will begin the week with a lecture on supporting evidence for evolution. Lab on Natural selection is due today. Tuesday- Lecture will continue with a comparison of natural verses artificial selection. We will end the day with a reading strategy that supports our topic Wednesday will start with a quiz and continue with an in class activity challenging you to design an organism suited to live on my planet and write a 5x5 to convince me of it's "perfection". Thursday will be an in class work day...both the reading strategy and organism design will be due for the end of class Happy Easter.

AP Biology- Monday we will refresh our Punnett square skills with a practice sheet due Thursday. Tuesday we will learn a short cut method to squares. The additive and multiplicative rules and try some practice problems using the new techniques. Wednesday Chi Square will be introduced as a means of evaluating the validity of our probability results and Thursday we will try using Chi square in a simulated lab activity.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Week of 4/3/17

Academic Biology- Movie Genetics will wrap up our discussion of heredity and close the marking period. Tuesday we will begin our focus on evolution with a lecture on some early ideas as to how life began. Wednesday lecture what is evolution followed by a worksheet on Darwin that will be due Thursday. Thursday an activity on Natural Selection with report due Friday and Friday lecture supports for evolution.

APBiology- We will use Monday to finish off the respiration labs due Thursday. Tuesday QUIZ on respiration followed by lecture intro to DNA. Wednesday lecture on semi conservative replication followed by a lab on Meselson and Stahl which will be finished in class Thursday. We will also discuss gene regulation and review development on Thursday. Friday will be a one day review of Punnett squares with some practice problems.