Tuesday, December 18, 2012

WEEK of December 16 2012

Biology Hope you all did well on the open notebook Christmas Test! I'll post grades as quickly as I can. This week we start our new topic DNA. This will take us well into the 3rd marking period. Monday- Lecture on the history of DNA Tuesday-Lecture on the Double Helix Model and movie photo 51 Wednesday- lecture DNA structure activity the 3D model Thursday Quiz worksheet on DNA that Must be finished for homework Friday Check DNA worksheet MERRY CHRISTMAS AP BIOLOGY Monday- What constitutes a species is our lecture for today.We a begin a project on speciation that will take us into Wednesday. Be creative with your evolving humans. Make sure changes are practical.Thursday lecture on the evolution of humans Friday worksheet Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week of 12/10/12 Biology- This week in biology we will focus on cellular respiration we will start our lecture on Tuesday ...Sadly I won't see you Monday with the Junior review day schedule. Wednesday will be a lab on muscle fatigue and fermentation, report due Thursday. Thursday complete lab reports and reinforcement worksheet. Worksheet must be completed for homework if not finished in class. Friday is our chapter test on photosynthesis and respiration.Be Ready! Have a Great week! AP Biology Tuesday-Lecture Hardy Weinberg and work on practice problems. Wednesday - Fishy frequency lab. This lab and beaks of finches due next Wed. Thursday test Evolution Friday Evolution of Humans Lecture

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Week of 11/27/12

Biology Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. It is never easy to get back to work after a vacation but this is a busy week. Tuesday- Academic classes will be given cell cycle flip books that will count as a quiz grade. They are due Friday. Wednesday will be Jeopardy review as a prep for Thursdays test on cells. We've been working with cells for 4 weeks so the test is a big one start studying early! Thursday- Test Day Friday- Intro lecture to photosynthesis...Flip books due for Academic AP Biology We are smack dab in the middle of our discussion of evolution. Tuesday we will try to demonstrate survival of the fittest with orgami birds Lab.that will carry over at least in part to Wed. Thursday and Friday in adition to lectures on importance of diversity and evolutionary design we will reinforce with a lab on Beaks of finches that demonstrates survival of the fittest

Monday, November 19, 2012

WEEK of November 19, 2012

BIOLOGY Short Week Guys HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL. Monday-Lecture on the cell cycle and meiosis/ a comparison make sure you have the transport lab handed in! Tuesday & Wed.- Today you will have a chance to test your ability to identify cells in the various atages of the cell cycle and do some calculationg as to how long they stay in each stage. We will finish the activity on Wednesday and the finished lab report will be due before you leave. AP BIOLOGY This week we start with Evolution a topic that will take us through Christmas. Good news labs start up again. Monday lecture on Darwin and the theory of Natural selection along with some supporting evidence of the process. Tuesday Lab Chemical evidence for evolution Lab Wednesday Lecture patterns of evolution followed by a start on lab beaks of finches.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Week of November 4 2012

Biology... Monday is a big day in Bio! Cell portfolios are due along with all of the requirements as listed on the direction page. Be sure you are ready to hand it in 20 points off for each day late. Tuesday Reading strategy on synthetic cells. Time to talk to the text. Wednesday we will watch a movie on clls to tie all our topics together. Thursday Quiz on cells and time to work on the word wall. AP Bio Monday- DNA lab followed by work sheets on protein synthesis and replication. Be ready for tomorrows Quiz Tuesday- Quiz Day. Followed by Meiosis Lecture Wednesday-Comparison of cell cycle and Meiosis worksheets Thursday-Quiz cell cycle Meiosis Lab notebooks due

Friday, October 19, 2012

Week of Oct.22 2012

BIOLOGY We will start the week with a new topic...cells. Directions will be given for cell portfolio assignment, due date to be announced.Lecture will end Mondays class cell theory. Tuesday in class research on cell time line completed for homework.Wednesday will be a full day lecture on cell organelles. Thursday and Friday will be lab work days. Plan on a quiz for Friday. APBiology Monday we will lecture cellular respiration.Followed be lab set up om seed respiration. Tuesday we will review discussion and read lab results. Wednesday class work time on presentations and research questions.Thursday assignments due and intro to genetics lecture.Friday From DNA to protein

Friday, September 28, 2012

Week of October 2th 2012

BIOLOGY Still working on chemistry, we start the week with pH. Monday will be lecture with a supporting demo. Tuesday we will update word wall and Intro organic Chem.With some notes on sugar. We will talk to the text Tuesday focusing on organic compounds.Bell Ringer on Wednesday we will cover properties of Fats and start a worksheet. Thursday lecture proteins Continue worksheets and Friday Enzyme Lab with report due Monday. Ap Biology Heading into 2 of the most challenging chapters this year, photosynthesis and repiration.Monday we introduce photosynthesis with lecture on the electromagnetic spectrum and chloroplasts. Tuesday the light reaction will be a treat with lab on chromatography and Rf calculation. Wednesday we will Calvin cycle with reinforcement worksheet. Thursday Lecture C3/C4 plants and cyclic verses non cyclic .Web quest(yes we will try again)will fill the 2nd period. Friday will be a quiz followed by time to complete the web quest.

Friday, September 21, 2012


BIOLOGY Well, our first chapter is now behind us and a new topic is on the horizon. The Chemistry of life. Monday and Tuesday are lecture with worksheets on Bohr Models and the periodic table. Wednesday we will start properties of water lab. The completed lab is due by Friday which will also be our quiz day for the week. AP Biology. The wonderful world of cells is our focus for the week. Moday will be a lab on Fractionation giving us a chance to use a centrifuge and see organelles outside of the cell.Tuesday will be a cell quiz followed by the worksheet on enzymes. Wednesday and Thursday our labs will focus on enzyme action. and it looks like cell Test will be Friday!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Week of September 10th 2012

BIOLOGY We will start our week Monday with a lecture on characteristics of life. Tuesday will be a lab that reinforces experimental design.Report will be due Wed. Wednessday- Lab is due and lecture on the microscope.Bell ringer THursday -Friday-will be lab using the microscope Report will be due Monday9/18. AP BIOLOGY Our focus for the week is Organic molecules and Life Monday will be a lab day on the polymer polyacrylamidewith time to review carbs and fats with a worksheet. Tuesday we will lecture proteins and nucleic acids update worksheet. Wednesday activities on plastic, styrofaom and GAK. Thursday is Test Day on Chapters 1-3 We will introduce cell in lecture Friday.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

WEEK of September 4 2012

Biology This week our focus is Scientific Method. Tuesday will be a lecture discussion and the remainder of the week we will practice application...Wednesday worksheet on variables.Must be completed for homework. Thursday Experimental design with poster development,This is an in class team project. Friday is the first quiz of the year so be ready! AP Biology We are wrapping up our discussion on properties of water. Movement of water across a cell membrane is our last lecture topic for Tuesday. Followed by lab set up on osmosis.Wednesday we will read lab results determining sucar concentration based on % mass change. We will also be calculating water potential based on these results. Thursday is our first Quia with some time built in to complete labs as needed. Friday lab notebooks will be collected and graded. Lecture will introduce organic compounds and their importance to life.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

week of May 15 2012

Biology Populations are our lecture focus Monday-Wednesday. Our activities will be on the use of survivor curves and scatter plots to predict population size. Our final lecture will be succession with a tentatively scheduled test for Friday.Hang in there it's almost over! AP Biology Completed clam labs due Monday No class ...Honor Society practice. Tuesday we will lecture seastars and begin our dissection. This will be our final activity. Report due Friday. I'd like to squeeze in 1 more quiz on animals Thursday? Thursday and Friday we will spend reviewing for the exam.

Week of May 7 2012

BIOLOGY Ecology is our topic for the week. We start the week with food chains and food webs. Our activity will include designing one of each showing the flow of energy with in the ecosystem. Tuesday 's lecture will be starvation verses predation which is better for an environment. A worksheet is included due Wednesday. Wednesday and Thursday is our predator prey lab.Completed report due for Friday! We will also have a Quiz Thursday this week. Have a good one! Ap Biology. Immunity begins our week.2 days of lecture with QUIZ Wednesday. Mollusca notes and clam dissection will finish our week. We will toss some review in to start getting ready for our final exam which is just days away!!!!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Week of 4/30/2012

Biology This week we are focusing on virus. We will go into details about life cycles,spread of diseases and controls including vaccines. There will be a viral worksheet due Tuesday and a major chapter test on Thursday. There isn't much time left so be sure to study! AP BIOLOGY Our focus for the week will be virus and Immunity. There will be a split between lecture and independent research on the topics. Test will be Thursday.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Week of 4/2/12

We finally made it to Easter week. This week we wrap up classification. Monday will be a lecture day on cladistics with an activity on Tuesday worksheet due Wednesday.
Wednesday is test day so be ready.

We will wrap up evolution with our presentations on "look who came to dinner". That will end our unit on evolution and we will move on to genetics and heredity beginning with some facts about DNA.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Week of 3/26/12

How exciting we are in the 4th quarter and starting a new topic...classification.
Monday will be intro lecture on early systems of classification lecture will continue into Tuesday with Linnaen classification and binomial nomenclature. Wednesday will be a QUIZ followed by a worksheet. Thursday and Friday will focus on dicotomous keys including how to read and design a key using buttons.Completed report will be due Monday 4/2.

AP Biology
This week wraps up our topic of evolution. We have some Hardy Weinberg calculations to start off the week and a great lab( it involves eating) to reinforce the concept. Days to remember
Lab report due beaks of finches due Tuesday
Evolution Test Thursday
Biochemical evidence and Fishy lab due for Friday. Next topic Genetics.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Week of March 19 2012

Continuing our discussion of Evolution after our week off for PSSa's.
is Lecture on Charles Darwin followed by a reading Strat on his life
Impact of evolution on behavior.Opposable thumb lab due Thursday
complete lab if time allows review for evolution test scheduled for Thursday.

Multiple choice test on evolution
Friday Simulated moth lab activity.

AP Biology-Continuing our discussion of evolution.Lots of labs this week.But no tests are scheduled.
Lab run down...Mon Nuttal technique to determine biochemical ancestory
Tuesday lecture on patterns of behaviors supported with beaks of birds lab
Wed.Hardy weinberg lecture and worksheets
Thursday fishy frequency lab

Friday, March 2, 2012

Week of 3/5/12

We are finally finished with human genetics hope you enjoyed our discussions and learned a lot. Monday will be a review day in prep for Tuesday's quiz. Wednesday we will start our new topic of evolution. In your text books it is chapter 10-11.Thursday will be a continuation of lecture and a start for lab on the eolution of the opposable thumb. Report will be due by Monday 3/12.

Monday we will start our lecture on cellular respiration focusing on the aerobic process. Tuesday anaerobic respiration lecture first then seed respiration lab set up. Wednesday we will read lab results and complete worksheets for quiz on Thursday. Following the Quiz we will start lecture on evolution and the early theories of that led to Natural selection.

Friday, February 17, 2012

week of 2/21/12

Tuesday-lecture Rh factor and complete lab. Finished reports due no later than Wednesday
Wednesday-Lecture sex linked and sex influenced conditions
Thursday-Reading Strat on designer Babies due by end of class
Friday-Survey and 5X5 on Bioethical issues

Ap Bio
Tuesday we will review for our cell test scheduled for Wednesday. Thursday will start the new topic Light and Photosynthesis and will be a 2 period lecture. Friday we will try a pigment extraction lab and and Rf calculations

Friday, February 10, 2012

Week of February 13 2012

We start our week with a rousing lecture on the history of blood typing. Please make sure all assignments from last week are turned in...design an offspring, karyotype, and reading strat on genetic engineering. Tuesday we will go further in our study of blood identifying types and reasons for clotting.We will work on punnett square sheets on blood types due for Thursday. Study tonight for Wednesdays Quiz on human genetics.Following the Quiz we will lecture Rh factors. Thursday blood lab will give you a chance to see how a persons blood type is determined.

Monday we will lecture enzymes ... the topic you worked with independently in Fridays web quest. There are some review questions that go along. Tuesday organelle quiz and lab Mr Enzyme to the rescue. Wednesday will be potato catalase lab. Thursday" senior skip Day" will be a lab work day to wrap up enzymes.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Week of 1/30/12

This week we wrap up with Punnett squares. Test will be Wednesday. Monday and Tuesday we will continue our practice on the different types of squares. We will end the week with an introduction to humans as subjects for genetic study. Have a good one!

AP Biology
Polymers start our week with some short labs and research. Reports will be due on Friday. Chapter test is scheduled for Thursday on chapters 1-3. We will review in class on Wednesday.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Week of January 16 2011

Now that exams are behind us its time to start the 3rd marking period. The good news is it's my favorite topic GENETICS and I hope you'll love it too.This is the tentative weeks schedule:
Tuesday- lecture early theories on the formation of offspring
Wednesday-lecture Mendels genetics and Punnett squares. There will be a practice worksheet.
Thursday-Friday- Coin toss lab with calculations.Lab report to be completed for Friday.

AP Biology
Tuesday- wrap up for semester 1
Wednesday- new class-Lecture Themes of Biology
Thursday-Review worksheet on chem with lecture on properties of water.
Friday-Water Lab

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Week of January 3 2012

Welcome back. Hope you had a great vacation and are refreshed and ready for your exams. Thats what we will be doing for the most part this week. On Tuesday we will complete our manditory writing prompt for the marking period. It will be graded and due on Wednesday. Wednesday will be an exam study guide work day. We will check how well you did on Thursday when we cover topics that will be included on the exam. Friday our review focus will be DNA emphasis on replication and protein synthesis. Monday,the last day before exams, will be our jeopardy review
. Please make the best of our review time!

AP Biology
Welcome back. We start our week with some echinoderm lecture. Which leads directly into dissection lab. That covers Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday will be an exam study guide which you will work on in teams. Friday we will focus our review on any topics you have questions on as well as check the study guide together. Monday the last day before exams will be Jeopardy review. Start studying early alittle each night will make a big difference.