Monday, December 20, 2010

week of 12/20/10

Vacation is just a few short days away...but we have tons to finish up...Monday is lab day. We will finish with our bacteria cultures by measuring zones of inhibition and Gram staining.The analysis questions will be collected on tuesday. Tuesday is our review day for wednesdays test on bacteria.. Thursday is a short day and we will play biology scategories if time permits. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAs and enjoy the break. When you come back we will start reviewing for the midterm exam.

AP bio...
Whose comming to dinner on Monday. remember your presentations! Tuesday is our topic test on Natural Selection. I don't have anything planned for Wednesday since most of you will be playing dodge ball. Have a good one!

Monday, December 13, 2010

week of December 13, 2010

Biology...Christmas is fast approaching. Between now and then we will be working with bacteria in both lab and lecture. We wil cover such topics as how to grow, name,and kill the bacteria finding out along the way if products live up to their antibacterial claims. It should be an eye opener. Bacterial quis isscheduled for Friday andTest will be next Wedneday(yes I know that's mean) Lab Report will be due next Monday.

AP BIOLOGY.... We are trying to finish Natural selection before break so this week will be loaded with both labs and lectures but no tests. I'm saving the test for Tuesday next week as agreed upon. Notebooks will also be due before Christmas. All I have to do is get the blasted elves moving!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Week of 12/5/2010

Happy Monday to you all.
Cladistics...What is it? We will find this week. Lecture Monday. Practice sheet Tuesday with test review on Wednesday. I won't be here for the review so you are on your own for Thursdays test. There isn't a lot of material and it is pretty easy. Many of you need a good grade. Interims go out on. Friday we start our new topic of Bacteria.